Welcoming 2012

2011 was a roller coaster ride. I’m thankful that the year ended on a high and will proceed to rise to greater heights in 2012.


Source: Creativity103 via photopin cc

When I look back at 2011, I will remember it for the beautiful memories I was blessed with. Of course, there were moments that I’m more than eager to forget but time will make the bad memories fade away. In the mean time, those shall serve as lessons for me as grow as a person.

One thing that I have learnt is not to be so easily deceived by others. Rather than assume good faith, I shall let others earn my trust. This is to protect myself.

I’ve learnt to be humble and try to learn from everyone and every thing that comes along.

Real friends are hard to come by and I’m blessed to have found the few friends whom I know will be there for me. Even though we are now busy with our own lives and meet up less often, I’m glad to have friends who are just a phone call away in times of need.

Best friends

We have a new addition to the family. Chewy, named after Chewbacca, is our new Golden Retriever.

Baby Chewy 2 months old

In terms of photography gear, I have increased the number of cameras I own to 13. This might fluctuate as I plan to sell a couple and I have a few shipments pending. I shot my first rolls of film and I’m enjoying film photography. I expect to shoot more in film and I will strive to obtain more keepers in my future rolls.

As for photography in general, I did my first wedding shoots and did several model shoots. However, I didn’t shoot as often as I would like to. I hope to find do more shoots with models to practice and to build my portfolio.

I have started shooting daily from January 1, 2012. This will be a proper Project 365 and I will be uploading the photos weekly in a Project 52. This means that I will take a photo a day and upload a collage of the photos at the end of the week.

Since the first day of the  year was a Sunday, I will kick off the project with a bang — Week 1 & 2.

And of course, the best thing that happened to me in 2011 was meeting the special one. I’m absolutely delighted to usher in the new year with her, hand in hand.

My love

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