Typography and Library

6 March 2025
4  mins read

I’ve added the Typography and Library sections. These features have been simmering not the back burner for ages, and I’m thrilled to finally serve them up in the second phase of my site update. Typography is where I’ll share my typeface obsessions, while the Library houses my book notes and reflections.

But before we dive into the what, let me explain the why.

Learning in public

As a firm believer of learning in public, one of the my primary motivations for migrating this site to Astro was to push myself to publish my notes as soon as possible. Instead of keeping my drafts in Bear until they are polished to near perfect, I’m embracing the liberating concept of good enough. The posts are ready to be put out there once I’ve nailed down the key ideas.

I’ve discovered that Astro—or any static site generator, really—helps with this mental shift by decoupling posts from chronological timestamps. Instead of content sorted by publication date assigned to them when I press “Publish”, they exist as individual files without the temporal pressure. Yes, they still have published and modified dates, but manually assigning these somehow breaks the spell of “pressing this button to freeze my thinking for eternity.” It’s entirely psychological, but this subtle change has unlocked a freedom that’s helping me share more openly.

My Bear app currently houses hundreds of draft posts—digital seedlings waiting for sunlight—with more sprouting daily as I encounter new ideas. I’m committed to transplanting them here, hoping they might either prove useful to you or nudge you down a path toward discovering even more fascinating things. In the mean time, the knowledge and experiences I gain are the fertilisers that would nurture these seedlings into fully-grown plants in my digital garden.


Designers are obsessed with typefaces, and I’m absolutely no exception. I’m the person who snap photos of products in stores to identify fonts, inspects page sources to uncover website typefaces, and whips out the WhatTheFont app to identify lettering in the wild.

My Eagle app houses a sprawling collection of typeface screenshots from websites and graphics—similar to how I used to make newspaper and magazine cuttings of design and typography that I like during my teens. It’s my personal typographic mood board, a visual library filled with ideas and inspirations that informs my design decisions and spark creative thoughts.

I’ll be sharing not just specimens that catch my eye, but the thoughts they provoke. What strikes me about this typeface and what scenarios do I foresee myself using it? All the nuances that fascinate me, and hopefully, they’ll intrigue you too.


I’m a voracious reader, constantly hunting for book recommendations from notable thinkers, following trails of suggested readings in books I’m already enjoying, and noting titles mentioned in podcasts and videos.

This new section draws inspiration from Maggie Appleton’s library. But rather than simply listing books I’ve consumed—a digital bookshelf—I’m embracing true learning in public by sharing my notes and reflections, similar to Ali Abdaal’s approach.

When reading, I jot down thoughts that bubble up as my mind interacts with the ideas presented. My raw notes typically resemble a mental maze—I know the path I took, but visitors would likely get lost without a map. So for the Library section, I’m expanding these stream-of-consciousness scribbles into more digestible formats with structured sections inspired by Ali that might actually prove useful to fellow readers.

Digital garden

Both these new sections represent a shift from treating my site as a polished publication to viewing it as a digital garden—a space where ideas are planted, nurtured, and sometimes pruned. Some will flourish, others might wither, but all contribute to the ecosystem of thought.

So welcome to these new plots in my digital landscape. They may look a bit sparse at first, but gardens aren’t built in a day. I hope you’ll return occasionally to see what’s taken root and perhaps find something that inspires you to plant ideas of your own.

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