Flash mob in Orchard

Vision alchemist crafting strategic innovation & AI adoption. Bridging startups to China’s ecosystem advantage. Building a cyberbrain. Registered pharmacist × Brand strategist × Storyteller
Flash mobs are not uncommon in big cities. They are even less so at the busiest parts of these cities. However, I did not expect to encounter one when I took a brief walk along Orchard Road.
The theme of the day appeared on its own. Hats. I did not expect to snap so many photos of people wearing interesting hats.
Self-portrait to get myself started. I walk past this mirror every day. It is part of the playground below my home.
This large-beaked hat kicked off the series of hat shots.
There is a hat in this shot but it was the seen and unseen stare behind the shades that caught my attention.
Not only do they match their hats, they even match the way they place their shades!
Wearing a cap is useful if you need to mount a GoPro camera on your head. This camera man was taking videos of skaters doing stunts. They ended being a nuisance to the public walking along the busy street.
Then I got distracted.
When three cameras are set up like this and point at the same direction, you know something is going to happen.
I was wary of getting into the frame of the video cameras so this was the closest I could go. Many people whipped out their smartphones and cameras to take photos or videos of the mob, as you can see in the background of the shots.
Then, it was over as abruptly as it started.
My time for shooting was up and I had to go to another appointment.