I write about design, branding, and productivity.
I explore how to use AI and technology to live a more fulfilling life.
My goal is to share my learnings because I have benefited from others sharing theirs.
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Little India to Orchard Road - a photo walk
Taking a longer route.
Rui Ying's first month
First month bash.
Orchard Road street photography with the Leica M8
Taking the camera out for a spin.
Street photography with Fujifilm X100
X100 has been everywhere with me.
Pets, hats and more street fashion
Interesting sights along Orchard Road.
Shorter focal length for street photography
Lighter gear and improving my photography.
Street fashion in Orchard
Myriad of styles on display
Adopt a pet instead of buying one
Dog adoption drive sponsored by Subaru and LostPaws.
Publicity stunts
Best place to attract eyeballs is in Orchard Road.
Weekends in Orchard Road
Shooting along Orchard Road in Singapore.
Leica M8 - first impressions
Giving the Leica M8 a spin.
My first Leica
A dream come true.
Baby Ruiying
New addition to the family.
Choosing a camera
Things to consider when buying a camera
Fujifilm X100
My first Fujifilm camera.
Brother's ROM
A special day for my family.
A digital art piece that I created in 2004.
Deleting my Friendster account
Rage quit.
Ricoh GR Digital III
In pursuit of the perfect street photography camera.
My first roll of film
Dipping my toes in analog photography.
Olympus XA2
One of my favourites for street photography.
New Year resolutions for 2011
Some realistic goals for the new year.
Eat, Pray, Love
Some thoughts after watching the movie.
List of wuxia terms
Proposed of wuxia terms to use as-is.