Brother's ROM

5 January 2012
4  mins read

Our family marked a special milestone: the first wedding among my siblings and a memorable day for my brother. While it isn’t the actual wedding day, the registration of marriage still bears much significance.

Jenyi and Xiaoliee

Photo by Wong Kum Kit

My good friend and fellow freelance photographer, KK, was the main photographer of the day. I decided to relax and shoot film instead. My Nikon F4S still had a roll of film in it with only a few shots used. I wanted to finish the roll so it was my camera of choice for the day. I’ve been planning to write an entry for each of my film cameras and the one for the F4S will be the first of the series. My Ricoh GR Digital III was the backup.

The film used was a roll of Fujifilm Superia X-tra 400. In hindsight, I should have brought a flash and perhaps a roll of ISO 800 film or even ISO 1,600. But the pictures turned out satisfactory.

I noticed that the film was supposed to have a red tinge but it was more obvious probably due to the low light causing a red shift in white balance.

Fujifilm product information bulletin: The new SUPERIA X-TRA 400 has slight reddish tint in comparison with the current SUPERIA X-TRA 400.

It’s been a while since I finished a roll of film within a day and it felt great.

Vietnamese coffee and Oreo cheesecake

Adorable decor for the ceremony

Words of wisdom from the solemniser

Video of the solemnisation ceremony

Nervous couple

I do





Classy menu

Sharing a laugh


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