I write about design, branding, and productivity.
I explore how to use AI and technology to live a more fulfilling life.
My goal is to share my learnings because I have benefited from others sharing theirs.
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Habits in 2016
Reflecting on my journey in 2016.
I started an online journal inspired by Cheeming Boey.
Being bold
Fortune favours the brave.
Have greater awareness and put in a little effort.
Illusion of having something to lose
When we die, we leave everything behind.
Reading recap 2016
Less screen time, more reading time.
Mail app
Moving from Mailbox.
We're overly protective of our devices, but is it really necessary?
Apple Watch
Thoughts on the Apple Watch.
Web design
A bit aobut my web design work.
Acceptance of imperfection, impermanence and incompleteness.
New habits
New habits instead of resolutions.
Singapore Airshow 2014 static displays
Static displays under the scorching sun.
Learned helplessness
So numb to negative stimuli that you surrender to helplessness.
Baby at the Singapore Airshow 2014
Bringing my niece to the Singapore Airshow 2014.
Artisan Coffee
A client photoshoot.
Shenzhen 2014
First trip ever to the mainland.
Reducing distractions
Clarity with task lists.
Krystal Choo
My photos on the newspaper.
Opportunity costs
The trade-offs in life.
Full-width theme design
New look for the site.
Acme Bar & Coffee
A cosy cafe in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.
Tous Les Jours in Wolo
A chic cafe in a boutique hotel.
Pavilion monochrome
A trip to Bukit Bintang in KL.